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Household Income
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Current Fund
Karena Tapu
one month ago
Peace of mind that everything is in one super
ASIC is simplifying the superannuation and retirement planner calculators while undertaking a scheduled review of assumptions.
As of 17 April 2020, these calculators will use a single set of assumptions.
The default assumptions in this calculator are based on Treasury’s long-term retirement income models. For more information on Treasury’s long-term retirement income modelling assumptions see the 2019 Treasury Research Institute paper ‘Accumulation of superannuation across a lifetime’.
The calculator works for accumulation funds only. It will not work for defined benefit funds.
We assume your account balance will receive all income and outgoings mid-year, apart from Government co-contributions which we assume are received at the end of the year.
Results are in today’s dollars
Results are shown in today’s dollars, which means they are adjusted for inflation.
Inflation assumptions
We make the following default assumptions on inflation (which you can change under the ‘Advanced – insurance and inflation’ section that appears below calculator results):
We assume that your employer contributes an amount equal to 10.5% of your ordinary time earnings (you can change this in ‘You and your super fund’).
In future years we assume that:
Investment return
We make the following default assumptions for investment return and earnings tax:
Actual returns will vary significantly from year to year and could be negative in some years, particularly for investment mixes where more is invested in shares and property. This calculator does not allow for such variations. You can vary assumptions in ‘You and your super fund’ and ‘Compare alternative fund’.
There is a lot to consider when comparing investment options between funds. Risk and return objectives and asset allocation within investment options may differ between funds and should be taken into account when comparing funds.
Further information
If you do not know your tax file number you can locate it via your income tax assessment, employee payment summaries, MyGov online account or you can call the ATO directly on 13 28 61 and request it over the phone.
Lost Super Finder will use the ATO portal to track down your Lost and Missing super accounts. Without a valid TFN being supplied, we are unable to complete the superannuation search for you.