Accessing Your Super

You can get your super when you retire and reach your ‘preservation age’ — between 55 and 60, depending on when you were born.

There are special circumstances where you can access your super early.

When you can get your super

You can get your super when you reach your ‘preservation age’. Your preservation age depends on when you were born.

Your date of birthAge you can access your super (preservation age)
Before 1 July 196055
1 July 1960 — 30 June 196156
1 July 1961 — 30 June 196257
1 July 1962 — 30 June 196358
1 July 1963 — 30 June 196459
After 1 July 196460

If you haven’t permanently retired

If you have reached your preservation age but haven’t permanently retired, you can still access part of your super via a transition to retirement pension.

If you’re in a defined benefit fund

You may be able to access a defined benefit pension from age 55, regardless of when you were born. Check with your fund. Eligibility requirements are different for each fund.

Getting your super early

In some circumstances, you can access your super before you reach your preservation age:

Incapacity — if you’re unable to work or need to work fewer hours because of a medical condition.

Severe financial hardship — if you can’t meet your living expenses and have been receiving Commonwealth benefits for 26 weeks.

Compassionate grounds — to pay for unpaid expenses. These could include medical treatment, modifying your home or vehicle because of a severe disability, funeral expenses, or a loan repayment to prevent you losing your home.

Terminal medical condition — if you have a terminal illness or injury.

If you need to access your super for any of these reasons, a financial counsellor can help with:

  • understanding your options
  • how to apply
  • other expenses you’re struggling to manage, such as housing and bills

See early access to your super on the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website for more information.

There are heavy penalties for breaking the rules around accessing your super early.

Using super to buy your first home

If you’re buying your first home, you may be able to access super contributions under the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS).

The scheme allows you to make voluntary super contributions to your super account to save for your first home. You can then apply to access those contributions and their earnings to buy your first home.

Eligibility criteria and savings limits apply.

When all feels overcomplicated, you can always hire a specialist. Our team of financial advisers and accountants will be happy to sort everything out for you. Contact us today.

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Factual Information Only Disclaimer

This website contains factual information only and does not consider your personal circumstances, needs, objectives or financial situation. This factual information is not intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. This information does not constitute financial advice or taxation advice, and the general nature of the content might not be applicable to you or your situation. Before acting on any information, you should seek professional advice and verify our interpretation/s before relying on the content or calculators within this website, while also considering its appropriateness in relation to your personal situation.


ASIC is simplifying the superannuation and retirement planner calculators while undertaking a scheduled review of assumptions.

As of 17 April 2020, these calculators will use a single set of assumptions.

The default assumptions in this calculator are based on Treasury’s long-term retirement income models. For more information on Treasury’s long-term retirement income modelling assumptions see the 2019 Treasury Research Institute paper ‘Accumulation of superannuation across a lifetime.


The calculator works for accumulation funds only. It will not work for defined benefit funds.

We assume your account balance will receive all income and outgoings mid-year, apart from Government co-contributions which we assume are received at the end of the year.

Results are in today’s dollars

Results are shown in today’s dollars, which means they are adjusted for inflation.

Inflation assumptions

We make the following default assumptions on inflation (which you can change under the ‘Advanced  – insurance and inflation’ section that appears below calculator results):

  • 2.5% each year due to the rising cost of living (CPI inflation)
  • A further 1.5% each year due to the cost of rising community living standards


We assume that your employer contributes an amount equal to 10.5% of your ordinary time earnings (you can change this in ‘You and your super fund’).

In future years we assume that:

  • Your employer and voluntary contributions will increase with inflation
  • You will satisfy the Work test at older ages and so are able to contribute
  • From 1 July 2021, the SG rate used for the default employer contribution rate is 10%. The SG rate is assumed to increase by 0.5% per annum until the SG rate reaches and stays at 12% from 1 July 2025 onwards.

Investment return

We make the following default assumptions for investment return and earnings tax:

  • Investment return before investment fees and earnings tax of 7.5% each year
  • An effective tax rate on investment earnings of 7.0%.

Actual returns will vary significantly from year to year and could be negative in some years, particularly for investment mixes where more is invested in shares and property. This calculator does not allow for such variations. You can vary assumptions in ‘You and your super fund’ and ‘Compare alternative fund’.

There is a lot to consider when comparing investment options between funds. Risk and return objectives and asset allocation within investment options may differ between funds and should be taken into account when comparing funds.

Further information

  • Super contributions must remain in super until you have met a condition of release. Weigh up the benefits of extra super against your other priorities, for example paying off your credit cards.
  • You will need to refer to your latest super account statement.


  • This is a model, not a prediction.
  • The results from this calculator are based on the limited information that you have provided and assumptions made about the future. The amounts projected are estimates only provided by this model and are not guaranteed.
  • This calculator cannot predict your final superannuation benefit with certainty because this will depend on your personal circumstances including unexpected events in your life and external factors such as investment earnings, tax and inflation. This calculator assumes that you can make steady, predictable contributions and that all assumptions including these external factors will operate at set, steady rates for as long as you remain in the fund, even if events turn out differently from what’s assumed. These assumptions are essential so the calculator can show the effect of things you may be able to control, such as choosing a low-fee fund.
  • You should consider updating the projections provided by this model regularly as your circumstances may have changed. You can also change and update some of the assumptions to reflect your personal circumstances.
  • Do not rely solely on this calculator to make decisions about your retirement, there may be other factors to take into account. Consider your own investment objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to get advice from one of our licensed financial advisers.

How do I find my TFN?​

If you do not know your tax file number you can locate it via your income tax assessment, employee payment summaries, MyGov online account or you can call the ATO directly on 13 28 61 and request it over the phone.

Why we require your Tax File Number (TFN)?

Lost Super Finder will use the ATO portal to track down your Lost and Missing super accounts. Without a valid TFN being supplied, we are unable to complete the superannuation search for you.